Friday, June 29, 2012


Yet, another eventful week has passed, and I am going to share some impressions with you sweethearts. Saturday last week I spent some time with my BFF and her sister again. First we went shopping and afterwards we enjoyed the evening sun at the Isar. We had hoped that not many others would be there, since there was a football game taking place at the same time, but it was crowded as hell, with wannabe vikings singing Manowar songs and other rather unpleasant people. But still it was a nice atmosphere. 

Then on monday I got an invitation for a hiphop show, once again, one of my friends, Laura, won tickets and she asked me if I wanna come. Sure I do! I had lots of fun with the main act, Gonjasufi, the atmosphere was great with all those people celebrating one of their musical heroes which I had never heard of before (shame on me!) But I was even more intrigued by Sun Glitters, the guy from Luxembourg who played as support act. Very nice tunes. But then again, it was rather sad, that the audience seemed not to be open-minded enough to enjoy an artist outside their favourite genre. 

Then, I don't know why, but people keep bringing me awesome foods, like cake and stuff, and I just can't refuse their offerings, can I? Oh, and apparently, right now I am enjoying clumsy times, I'll probably report about a huge mistake I committed, in my monthly review in a few days, but here I show you what happens, when you live in a really small place and have no space to put things, and then you put them in dangerous places and then shit happens. So the only wine glass I had (which I, by the way, stole from a bar that sold me a ridiculously overpriced drink, so I suspected the glass was inclusive, uhmmm yeah) broke into a thousand pieces.   

And here is a picture of a littly buddy, who went astray in my hallway and was my guest for several days. He didn't move an inch the first 48 hours, and I got a little worried. I opened the windows and hoped he would fly away but then he just moved from one wall to another. But finally, today he found his way out. I named him George, by the way. Farewell, Georgie! 

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