Friday, June 29, 2012


Yet, another eventful week has passed, and I am going to share some impressions with you sweethearts. Saturday last week I spent some time with my BFF and her sister again. First we went shopping and afterwards we enjoyed the evening sun at the Isar. We had hoped that not many others would be there, since there was a football game taking place at the same time, but it was crowded as hell, with wannabe vikings singing Manowar songs and other rather unpleasant people. But still it was a nice atmosphere. 

Then on monday I got an invitation for a hiphop show, once again, one of my friends, Laura, won tickets and she asked me if I wanna come. Sure I do! I had lots of fun with the main act, Gonjasufi, the atmosphere was great with all those people celebrating one of their musical heroes which I had never heard of before (shame on me!) But I was even more intrigued by Sun Glitters, the guy from Luxembourg who played as support act. Very nice tunes. But then again, it was rather sad, that the audience seemed not to be open-minded enough to enjoy an artist outside their favourite genre. 

Then, I don't know why, but people keep bringing me awesome foods, like cake and stuff, and I just can't refuse their offerings, can I? Oh, and apparently, right now I am enjoying clumsy times, I'll probably report about a huge mistake I committed, in my monthly review in a few days, but here I show you what happens, when you live in a really small place and have no space to put things, and then you put them in dangerous places and then shit happens. So the only wine glass I had (which I, by the way, stole from a bar that sold me a ridiculously overpriced drink, so I suspected the glass was inclusive, uhmmm yeah) broke into a thousand pieces.   

And here is a picture of a littly buddy, who went astray in my hallway and was my guest for several days. He didn't move an inch the first 48 hours, and I got a little worried. I opened the windows and hoped he would fly away but then he just moved from one wall to another. But finally, today he found his way out. I named him George, by the way. Farewell, Georgie! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


What an exhausting but awesome weekend that was! I had been looking forward to this for a while. Been excited since the day I heard of munich's light installation artists from Lunaland, planning their anniversary party in a special location, a factory where sleeping cars once had been built. (Among these, the famous Orient Express!) And I shrieked a little when I heard that ESBEN AND THE WITCH would be the headlining act to play on friday night. Some of you might remember that I declared their gig last year at Atomic Café in Munich as concert of the year.  And with this kind of venue and all the light effects I wouldn't have been surprised if that concert would be even better.
Another surprise was, that the band played lots of new tunes for the first time ever. There were three more bands this evening, all more or less from the shoegazer faction, but my attention was rather limited to EATW, I have to confess. 

While friday was pleasure for your ears, saturday was dedicated to the visuals senses. Next to two dancefloors there where lots of exhibitions by several local artists in the different parts of the factory. Among these were some psychologists who introduced a light therapy that was supposed to dissemble the perceptions of a mind under the influence of LSD. I tried an innocuous demo of 2 minutes (on friday), but I thought it was rather unspectacular. I wanted to try the longer and more intense version a day later, but the room was flooded with people and I couldn't imagine all of them watching while making this new experience. All in all I thought it was more amazing to watch, then to actually sit on the chair and have this extremely bright and flickering stroboscobic-like light on your eyes. And watching other people sitting there with that light just felt like you are right inside of a Lynch movie. Crazy shit. 

On sunday it was time for some music again. A little bit more quiet, this time. The team from innen.außen.raum invited three solo musicians, Woodpigeon from Canada, Halo of Pendor from the Netherlands (former Sweden) and dear Carlos Cipa from Munich. Carlos opened the evening with a simultaneous record release party and was stunned when people asked him to sign their copies. I also thought it was kinda sweet that his parents came to see him play. 
Then the swedish (dutch...whatever) guy played his sad songs, and messed up a little, with his loops but it was pretty easy to forgive him due to his cuteness. ;)
And the canadian guy was a little tired, and I still don't know why he kept checking his iPhone after every song, either was he checking the results of the football game that was running at the same time the concert took place, or he had his setlist on his phone, I dunno, but it didn't make a good impression.

Anywho! Here are some impressions of the weekend. If you weren't there you are probably a square, but at least you can imagine what you were missing! :P

To see more and fullsized images check this. All the images tagged with lunastrom10 are relevant.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Farewell, my dear friend.

In the last days I have had some struggles with my longtime companion. Yesterday it displayed this "technical support" warning. I've seen this before, two years ago, but managed to restore the hard drive.
But since I had already planned to change my spotify account from unlimited to premium, and therefore be able to listen on the go via phone, I decided to leave it at that, and pay my last respects to Mr. Ipod. 

First, I had some doubts about spotify premium, because I thought, I would need a huge data flat to stream music on the move, but a friend reminded me, that you can create offline playlists and sync them to your phone. That made my decision pretty easy an from now on Spotify will be my daily attendant!

Friday, June 8, 2012


Now that I am highly addicted to instagram I want to share some photos on a weekly basis with you.

Up there you see the kitteh of my housemate who visited my apartment because obviously it was no good weather for playing outside.

Also, I ate a lot of cake this week. There was even a third piece I didn't take a picture of. Just for the record, it was a walnut tarte.

On tuesday, I went to the BEAR IN HEAVEN concert, which was, of course, amazing. I must be on a winning streak, I dunno, but again (as for the last concert with OBERHOFER & WHITE ARROWS) I won tickets for the show, very last minute style. More by accident, I found a contest online and wrote an e-mail, and 15 minutes later I got a notification, that I had won the tickets. That's pretty convenient considering all the upcoming shows in june (What's going on anyway, Munich?). So, because I saved some money with the tickets, I thought I could invest in the sweet bag shown above. 

And then yesterday, I had a suprise day off. I didn't know there would be yet another bavarian feast day as there already had been lots of them the last weeks. So I fixed a date with my BFF and her sister, and we spent some time in Munichs famous recreational park, the english garden, with it's surfer boys, some unbelievable red trees and a satisfying amount of FroYo.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It's been a while since my last diy-ish project. But last weekend I tried something new. I always wanted to have a Galaxy Shirt like these, for example, but thought, there must be a cheap way to do it myself, and so I researched the web for several tutorials and then bought the necessary equipment to try it out. Here are some pictures of the process, and I think it turned out quite nice, but especially the blue color could have been stronger. (It's actually paler in reality than on the pictures with the camera filters). Maybe I'll add more color in the next days. I also thought about spicing it up with some glitter or fluorescing color, we'll see!

First I sprayed the shirt with bleach so it turned from black to orange on the chosen spots. 

Then I let it dry and added some blue batic color. I needed two attemps for the color to stay on the shirt. I dunno if the bleach kept the dye from staying on the shirt, maybe?!

The result! I really like the gradation of the colors where it turns from blue to orange. What I don't like are the spots you can see, especially on the blue part. These happened by accident, because the bleach somehow kept dropping out of the spray bottle. I even added more bleach on these parts, but the spots just wouldn't disappear. :( Also, I kinda ruined the back part where the bleach transpired. I used a plastic bag to prevent this from happening, but it didn't work when I added the bleach for the second time. Maybe I can paint it over with some black fabric pen.

And here's me wearing the shirt 90ies style. ;) (I remember I used to wear belly tees when I was twelve or it would probably take 3 glasses of wine to dare..)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


So that was may, yay. I'm gonna throw you some sentences to sum up the events that highlighted my days and nights in the merry month of may.  Some flattering scoldings were showered at me. A weird guy from Los Angeles shook my hand for what felt an eternity. I finally bought a new bookshelf for the  countless books that flew around my bedroom, and I made my first Facebook-Page. It already counts an outrageous number of fans (that would be 5, so much for the loyalty of your friends, pah!)!! So be quick and like it if you, too, want Ryan Gosling to play the part of the irresistible Johnny Castle in the remake of Dirty Dancy, which will be released in 2013, I guess. And I know, you want it. And because you might not be able to picture him as Johnny, foresightful as I am, I made a little photo-manip for you, so you will be convinced, immediately. (Oh gawd, did I really name that URL goslinggoesdirty?)

Ok, enough of the shenanigans. I didn't really consume much media this month, at least not many movies lighted my homescreen, nor did I set foot in a cinema, this month. But let's start with the books I read this month. I read a lot in my mother tongue, since I hauled some german books from a second-hand book store at the end of last month. 


This book was actually a very spontaneous purchase. It tells the story of a woman who is left by her lover, and devastated as she is, she starts writing letters to him while she travels the world trying to escape the city in which they spent so much time together. And what can I say, this book literally spoke    from my heart with all it's allegations and self-doubts, the more astounded I am, that this book actually wasn't even written by a woman, but I am probably just to swayed by stereotypes. But I enjoyed this read a lot. (4/5)

A book by a native german author, so no english title here. I planned to read this one for a while now. I thought I could identify myself pretty well with the story she tells, since the author and I share the year of our birth. But I had my troubles to really sense the emotion here. Reading a book about a fatal accident of a loved one, might make you think, it shouldn't be to hard to get emotionally involved. But  I guess it was just the style of writing that made it somewhat hard for me. (3/5)

Ugh, italians..haha. Sorry. But I recently saw the screen adaption of this book, and it was...I really don't know, but I felt like all the important details were put aside and the filmmakers just made a completely new story. But back to the book. The storyline sounded pretty interesting. The lives of two teenagers who suffered major strokes in their childhoods, get mixed together and both of them, as much as they need each other, just can't find their way together, both rather preferring solitude than to risk something. Anyways, I wish the author wouldn't have skipped so much through the years, so I felt like some important things happening in between were missing (almost like in the movie, haha...well actually not THAT disastrous). (3/5) 

The follow-up to the first book of the DIVERGENT book trilogy. I think I didn't write about the first one, but I would say this is a pretty satisfying quality dystopian book series comparable to THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy, but yet a totally different and unique world. INSURGENT is in no way inferior to DIVERGENT and just as exciting and suspenseful. (4/5)



Hell as in hell like the german word for bright. But it might as well be an allegory to the devil's hell, since the sun is burning so bright, that it is almost impossible to stay in the sunlight during the day,  and also the hell that people might face, in a post-apocalyptic world where the phrase "an eye for an eye" applies. But why am I actually putting so much effort in this short review. The movie was shite.  There you go. Haha. (3/10)

Well, this movie certainly was something for the eyes. Even the opening credits were a little movie themselves, haha. I think, James Bond and Ms. Mara made a good team on this american movie adaption. Of course it had much more suspense than the swedish original, but I was constantly asking my friends, with whom I watched this movie together and didn't read the book, if they were actually able to follow the movie. Even I had my problems to recall everything from the books I read one and a half years ago. I can't imagine how confusing it must be for a person who didn't already know all the secondary characters and their relevance. I think, this could have been done much better, and already has been done better in the swedish version. Nevertheless I like the movie quite much. (7/10)

Ugh, THAT GUY. If it wasn't so sad, because it's based on a true story, I would have laughed all the time. Just go out in the wild with NO experience at all and get trouble. I also might not share the same desire for adventures and freedom, because I like it safe and sound, so I didn't enjoy the movie as much as a kindred soul probably would have. (7/10)

Say what you want but this movie was so full of AWESOME. I lol'd a lot. (10/10)

Another guilty pleasure which actually wasn't really a pleasure since I found out during watching the movie, that I don't really like Anne Hathaway. Jake Gyllenhaal was quite charming yes, but I still like him the best as the awesome Donnie Darko. (6/10)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Sorry, guys, I must delay the monthly review once more, since the beginning of June fell on a weekend and the layout files for the collages are at work. But here is a short update about last week. I spontaneously purchased a new bookshelf, well actually it's not new, but second-hand. Found it at ebay classifieds. It was about time, since the books piled up on my bedroom floor, which had it's charme, but I decided they needed a proper "home". 

This is how it looked before:

And here everything is neatly put in place.

P.S. Please don't tell anyone I messed up, mounting the aperture on the bottom in the wrong way. It's standing upright, that's what counts, ok?