It's been a while since my last diy-ish project. But last weekend I tried something new. I always wanted to have a Galaxy Shirt like these, for example, but thought, there must be a cheap way to do it myself, and so I researched the web for several tutorials and then bought the necessary equipment to try it out. Here are some pictures of the process, and I think it turned out quite nice, but especially the blue color could have been stronger. (It's actually paler in reality than on the pictures with the camera filters). Maybe I'll add more color in the next days. I also thought about spicing it up with some glitter or fluorescing color, we'll see!
First I sprayed the shirt with bleach so it turned from black to orange on the chosen spots.
Then I let it dry and added some blue batic color. I needed two attemps for the color to stay on the shirt. I dunno if the bleach kept the dye from staying on the shirt, maybe?!
The result! I really like the gradation of the colors where it turns from blue to orange. What I don't like are the spots you can see, especially on the blue part. These happened by accident, because the bleach somehow kept dropping out of the spray bottle. I even added more bleach on these parts, but the spots just wouldn't disappear. :( Also, I kinda ruined the back part where the bleach transpired. I used a plastic bag to prevent this from happening, but it didn't work when I added the bleach for the second time. Maybe I can paint it over with some black fabric pen.
And here's me wearing the shirt 90ies style. ;) (I remember I used to wear belly tees when I was twelve or it would probably take 3 glasses of wine to dare..)
belly photo! :)