Happy easter, to everyone who is celebrating. I'm just glad for four free days in a row, thanks to the jesus dude. I'm trying to use that time to revive my social life, especially with the friends that are too far away to spend enough time with them. So I am writing all the mails that stayed unanswered for a while now, always being ashamed that I never really find the time to answer right away. Girls and boys, I hope you know I feel very sorry about it.
And on I go with the next entry for my art week project. Today I want to show the the Silver Prints series by Timothy Pakron. Again, you'll get to see a bunch of faces or versions thereof, I seem to be fascinated by faces and hands, you might have noticed that, if you have checked out my tumblr once or twice.
The technique is very interesting and it is shown in this short documentary.
That Jesus dude or whatever seems to be a swell guy. Thanks for all the holidays, my brother!