Boys. Girls. I have seen the movie. Yes, this is going to be the third blog post in a row, related or directly about the books and movie THE HUNGER GAMES and if you aren't already annoyed by it, keep on reading. Otherwise just skip ahead and hope for the next entries to be completely unrelated. Though I'm not sure if I can promise that. Sorry.
So the movie. Perfect. I have no words. k, thanks, bye... what I probably would have said, right after seeing it on thursday. I felt utterly satisfied about what Gary Ross, together with the autor Suzanne Collins and the amazing cast have conjured here. I realized, out of the few adaptions I have seen so far and actually read the book in advance (I only recall recent adaptions like "The Road" or "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (swedish version)) this was the closest a director ever got to the original. They could have messed it up, big time. But they included so many details I was really happy about seeing them reappear on screen. Of course they also took out some stuff, but none of it really important enough to make me go, "Nooo, why would you do that, that was so substantial?" And knowing this, I think, the filmmakers had a really hard job, putting all this in 2 hours and 20 minutes. It sounds really long but at no part I had the feeling that this or that scene was too much. More like the opposite. I wished some things could have been prolonged and in some parts it appeared a little bit rushed. But then again, they couldn't have made a four hours long movie, right? Although, I would have been in for it! ;)
So what else can I do but wait for the 22nd of November 2013, when Catching Fire will be released?
Exactly. I'm going to do what I urgently felt to do right after getting out of the theatre on thursday. I am going to rewatch the movie. A lot.
Along these lines "thank you, for your consideration".
Hunger Games ist etwas für Mädchen, die schon ein kleines bisschen zu alt für Twilight sind, oder? :P
ReplyDeleteMist, hier kann man seine Kommentare nicht mehr löschen. Diesen Spruch hörst du derzeit nämlich wohl eh desöfteren. Aber so ein bisschen stimmt es ja auch, nich?
ReplyDeleteSoso, hat der Herr den Kommentar dann doch bereut?
ReplyDeleteJaja, das hört man öfter, vor allem aber von Menschen, die keine der beiden Bücherreihen jemals gelesen haben. Du kannst Dir also denken, was ich davon halte. Solltest Du diese schier unmögliche Hürde aber jemals überwinden können, dann... ja dann darfst Du vielleicht nochmal behaupten: "Aber so ein bisschen stimmt es ja auch, nich?"
Ich glaube, ich habe so ein bisschen das Vorurteil, dass Jugendliteratur größtenteils zu einfach gestrickt und von Schwarz-Weiß-Denken geprägt ist. Und wenn ich mir die Trailer zum Film ansehe, habe ich Schwierigkeiten die einzelnen Personen ob ihrer langweiligen Hollywood-Schönheit auseinanderzuhalten. Da sollen die Mädels mal schön kreischen, ich gucke mir lieber nochmal Battle Royale an. Aber ich will dir die Begeisterung nicht mit meinem ewigen Genöle kaputt machen. ;)