As I already mentioned in some previous posts, I have been thinking about cheating on Mr. Milestone and get a new mobile phone instead. I have severe battery problems when using the internet and what's a smartphone without the awesome possibilities of internet-depending apps. For instance, I really like using 8tracks for Android to listen to music mixes on the go.
Installments have been paid off for the Milestone last year in December, and I thought, maybe I just keep it for a while, I don't really want to start a new installment payment right away. But things you buy on rates tend to act weird after they are paid off, right? And so does my mobile. Right now, the power button got highly sensitive and acts weird. Usually, when I wanted to turn off the screen I had to press it very shortly, and when I want to shut it down I needed to press somewhat longer. And now it just asks me to shut down the phone everytime I just want to turn off the screen, or it just turns on the screen again after turning it off. And yes, it pisses me off, big time. So I guess, a new mobilefriend is required. And I think I already found the new love of my life. Say hello to Mr. Sony Xperia S.

It has two cameras in the back and in the front, from which one has 12 Megapixel and an extra feature for night shoots (which I am looking forward to, but don't try to expect to much) Also it comes with Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and the producers promised an update to Icecream Sandwich in the second quarter of the year. I would have liked it right away, though. And then there are these SmartTags as shown above, which you can program with special actions like setting your phone into airplane mode or setting your clock to wake you up in the morning. Sounds promising, but I don't know if these tags are included or if you have to buy them extra. I reckon the latter.
Release Date will be 16th of March 2012.
Press Piccies belong to SONY.