i also wanted to show you the prezzies i got for my birthday. some cool stuff among it!!

crazy ricarda, for example, not only baked some awesome sugar skull cookies (corresponding to the dia de los muertos themed costumes) and rose carrot cake cupcakes, she also managed to obtain a screen print from craig thompson's newest graphic novel "habibi" (which i still do not own, yet, due to a lack of money). my kindergarden friend mia gave me a cute owlish rubber stamp, and so my owl collection expands. also yoko and bernd know me pretty well, so they surprised me with a lip balm hidden in an owl costume. the cool thing about it is, that you can still use the owly as decoration after the lip balm is consumed. and then there are books. and there are books, yet to come! (like habibi) but first some words about these. from my eldery housemate i got a book called "the art of classy impoverishing". i'm not sure if i can still learn something, as i am already classy impoverished, haha. i myself bought two books from the very innovative money present my parents transferred to my bank account. the first one is patrick ness' "a monster calls" i have high expectations to this one, and the way it is illustrated is already pleasing my eyes, big time! can't wait to read it, but i still have to finish another book, before. the second book is "looking for alaska" from john green. this one also has been recommended to me a lot. so i expect something great on this one, too. lots of stuff i can fill my time with, on the forthcoming winter! thanks for all the nice stuff!